Why Choose Knuckleball Media?

The organizations Knuckleball Media serves typically can’t afford their own staff or the costs that come with the overhead of bigger marketing agencies. At KM, our approach is to only charge for our time and effort, not for some spacious office with nice furniture and free snacks for clients. So if you’re looking for a comfortable couch to sit in and free coffee, try somebody else. If you want high quality marketing material that brings results, contact us.

Steve and Chuck also understand that with you, the “main thing is the main thing.” You didn’t get into missional work or start your own business so you could design web pages or spend all day monitoring a social media account. You want to spend your time developing your business. That’s where we come in.

We understand the missional/small business mindset. We’ve worked our entire lives in that arena and know this is much more than just a business venture for you…it’s your life’s work!

Because we understand that, we’ll view your mission as our mission. If you don’t succeed, we don’t.

So take some time and look around our site. Check out some of the projects we’ve done, and if you like what you see, let us know about your project here

We’ll take a look at what you want and get back to you shortly to tell you how we can help you achieve your goals.

Thanks for visiting Knuckleball Media.

Our Services

web design

Knuckleball Digital will provide you with sleek designs that will pop off the page along with copy and graphics that will motivate your customers to invest in you.

Blog Content

Knuckleball Digital will craft content unique to your industry using established SEO practices to make sure your customers see your work.

Video Content

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a well-produced video is worth a million. 


Email Marketing

Knuckleball Digital’s e-mail marketing solutions allow you to turn these people into repeat customers through targeted, scheduled e-mail campaigns.

Social Media Management

Knuckleball Digital will manage your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and other social media accounts and start connecting with your customers!

Comprehensive Digital Marketing

We’re Knuckleball Digital, but we’ve got more than one pitch. If you’d like KB to put together a comprehensive plan utilizing all the digital space available to you, we’re happy to do that.